Single Point of Access (SPOA) – Children (formerly MASH)
Single Point of Access (SPOA) – Children (formerly MASH)
The SPOA – Children’s team is the first point of contact for anyone wishing to make a new referral into children’s services, including partner agencies and members of the public.
If it is decided that the family will be spoken to directly by members of SPOA, a “what matters discussion” will take place to ensure that the wishes of the child and family are sought wherever possible about what they feel would help them.
When a referral is received by the team, a decision is made by the team manager on that day to make sure that all children are safeguarded and any risk is reduced wherever possible. The manager prioritises any actions required using a RAG rating, Red for immediate action, Amber within 48 hours and Green within 72 hours in order to limit the time that referrals are held in SPOA and promotes effective and efficient information sharing between agencies.
If appropriate, a “what matters discussion” will take place to ensure that the wishes of the child and family are sought wherever possible about what they feel would help them.
Once a decision has been made by the SPOA manager that an assessment is required the referral will be passed to the Assessment and Intervention Team for allocation and SPOA involvement will cease.
• To provide a timely response to referrals received in relation to the wellbeing of children within Wrexham
• To ensure that contact is considered within 24 hours of receipt.
• Wherever possible the SPOA will provide information and advice to young people and their families and will have the voice of the child at the centre of everything they do.
• To prevent escalation of difficulties and reduce risk through appropriate signposting to other services where possible
• To provide feedback to the referrer immediately or if this is not possible, within 10 working days.
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