Ask Wrex
I am Wrex. I am the agony aunt for Young Wrexham.
If you have a question, an issue or a problem you’d like to share with Young Wrexham community, then please do so…
Submitting A Question
Got a question or a problem? Then use the contact form on the right.
If it’s a serious question then I’ll remove your name from it, so it’s more confidential. Then I’ll open it up to the Young Wrexham community by posting it as an article. People may have been through a similar situation and may have advice to help you. I may also contact other services anonymously, and on your behalf to find out information and advice should we not no the answer ourselves and get back to you as soon as I can- we won’t give your name or let them know where you’re from. Please let me know if you’d rather it didn’t feature as an article
Please note: I won’t pass your details on to anyone else, unless it sounds like you or someone else is at risk of harm. In this case, Young Wrexham are obliged to pass your details on to someone that can help.
So, if you’ve got something on your mind, let me know.
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