Welcome to Young Wrexham info pages. This is the place to get information on a wide range of topics for young people who live, work and study in Wrexham. Browse the categories below for useful links and local organisations or search the database.
Wrexham’s Youth Homelessness Prevention Service
We offer support to young people 11-25 years old who are experiencing problems with their accommodation on a voluntary basis. There may be a whole range of reasons why you…
Advocacy is getting support from another person to get your wishes and feelings heard and help for you to stand up for your rights, especially the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child UNCRC
Need some advice and not sure where to go? INFO Shop is an information and advice service where young people 11 to 25 can drop in …..
ADTRAC+ Project provides 1-2-1 support to help young people aged 16 to 24 explore their options and progress onto the next phase of their life. What is ADTRAC+? ADTRAC+ is…
Healthy Relationships
In a new, or long relationship? This section should help with what you need to know…
Sexuality ? Gender identity? Gender expression….. Check out this section for more information..
The Law, Your Rights Citizenship
This section provides you with information about law and rights, policing, types of crime and the consequences for breaking the law, together with your rights as a citizen.
Alcohol and Drug Information
Need information, support and advice on alcohol or drug use? This is the page that can help you make positive informed decisions.
Money is a friend and enemy in equal measures, check out this section for information and advice…
Like travelling? Could be abroad or more closer to home, check out this section for some useful tips and advice….
Looked After Children and Care Leavers – What’s What and Whose Who?
Do you have any questions about being in care? Here is some information we are hoping that helps you.
Work and Training
Unless you win the lottery, chances are you’ll be working for at least 40 years — you might as well do something you enjoy, or suits your personality.
Your Voice, Your Wrexham
Want to have a say on things that affect you at both? Then this section is for you….
Not sure what your rights are when it comes to bullying? You will find all the information and advice you need here…
Housing and Accommodation
Many would say that there are few things more important than having a roof over your head,
Funding Partners