Youth Engagement Research

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This is an opportunity for you as young people to be involved in WG research.

They want to know: young people’s experiences of the support they have received to help them stay in education or training or to move into employment. They also want to understand what young people feel what has worked well or not so well, what gaps might exist within the framework and, crucially, what more can be done to engage young people in the process.

Its open and available between Monday 17th May and Friday 4th June

Please click on link below to have your say

Online Portal – a dedicated portal has been developed which provides information on the key themes of the YEPF in written and video format and an online feedback questionnaire. The portal can be accessed here:

Individual Interviews – for young people who would like to provide feedback directly to a member of the consultation team but would prefer to do so individually rather than in a group environment, please contact or 01792 284450 to arrange a one-to-one feedback session via Microsoft Teams. If you need help with this you can contact a member of the team at Infoshop 01978 295600 /

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Young Wrexham : News and Information for Young People in Wrexham