What we have done so far?
These are a few stories of how advocates from Second Voice have helped young people. We have anonymised the stories to ensure everything is kept confidential.
Hi, I am a young mum of two. I went to Second Voice for support with meetings at social services as my child was on the Child Protection Register. At first I didn’t want to speak, but slowly I attended meetings and began to speak for myself. Having an advocate made me feel less nervous as I had someone who would explain everything to me, sometimes it gets difficult understanding what people are talking about. Knowing what people were talking about and my rights helped me to build my confidence in meetings.
What happened? I made sure I worked with all the services Social Services asked me to, and because of this my children were removed from the Child Protection Register. I ended up moving and my advocate supported me to get a small grant to help me get some things for the house.
I was being bullied in my school and felt like no one was listening. I went to the Info Shop for some information and came across Second Voice Advocacy Service. I met up with an advocate who listened to what I was saying. We looked at options and I decided I would like a meeting with my school. We arranged who I wanted and the points I’d like to talk about. At the meeting the advocate didn’t take my voice away, they just amplified it so that the school listened. I didn’t know I had rights, the advocate let me know that I have the right to be heard when people are making decisions about me.
What happened? Things were put in place and I felt a lot better and in control of what was happening. I had further meetings and when I was completely happy I asked for the meetings to stop. I was able to self-advocate and no longer needed the help of my advocate. I also found out about a group I could attend which is currently helping with my self-confidence.
I had been a victim of domestic violence and I wanted to get back into college, but I didn’t know where to start. My health visitor had referred me to Second Voice Advocacy. I have a child and was unsure if I could go to college as I needed child care, my advocate talked through funding and the possibility of a place at nursery. My advocate came with me to a college open day and supported me while I applied for a beauty course, she helped a lot. The advocate also came with me to the interview so I wasn’t alone, I can get quiet nervous.
What happened? I got in on the course, but I couldn’t afford the kit that I needed, my advocate helped me apply for an ALG grant and a Nursery grant for my child. I’m doing really well in college and my little one really enjoys nursery, I’m not sure I would have done this if it wasn’t for the help from my advocate.
If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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