Emergency Duty Team – (EDT)
Emergency Duty Team
The Emergency Duty Team (EDT) aims to provide a high quality social work response to emergencies that occur outside normal office opening hours. The team provide a service to people (both children and adults) who are in crisis and are living in the county of Wrexham, Flintshire or Denbighshire.
Who can use the service?
Anyone living in the counties of Wrexham, Flintshire or Denbighshire who is worried or concerned about themselves or somebody else and think that Social Services may be able to help. We can help children and young people, families, people with mental health needs, older people, people with disabilities and Carers.
What do we do? Provide emergency support or advice to anyone who calls the Service and is in need of assistance.
A social worker from the Emergency Duty Team will carry out an assessment of your needs. The first stage of this will be done over the phone. We will provide advice, guidance and support to make sure the situation is safe until the next working day when daytime services are available. We work closely with other agencies that can help in emergency situations such as housing departments, Police, GPs and hospitals.
We will sometimes make a home visit. This would happen if a child or vulnerable adult is at risk from immediate, significant harm.
How to contact us:
The Emergency Duty Team is available
Monday – Thursday 5:00pm to 8.30am
Weekends from 4.30pm on Friday until 8.30am on Monday (all day Saturday and Sunday) and on Bank Holidays
Tel: 0845 0533 116 Email: emergency.hours@wrexham.gov.uk
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