Looked after Children Team
Looked After Children Team
The core business of the team can be broadly split into the following;
- To hold case responsibility for children and young people who remain in the care system including those placed at home with parents under a care order.
- To manage cases where children are subject to placement orders including preparing children for adoption and matching them to appropriate adopters.
The aim of this team is to ensure that children looked after gain maximum life chance benefits from educational opportunity, health and social care. We have a duty to ensure that each child is in accommodation which meets their needs, reflects their right to safety and security and encourages them to reach potential at every stage of their development and which will safeguard and promote their welfare. This includes supporting all looked after children and young people to meet their full educational potential and to promote their physical and mental health.
Young people over 16 can request accommodation and will be assessed to see if they require care and support from the local authority. Young people may be placed in independent living situations or supported in other ways, for example, in supported lodgings. Children and young people can also be bailed or remanded into our care by the Court as a result of criminal proceedings.
What happens when you’re 16+?
Before your 16th birthday, plans will begin to be made for your independence. Discussions will take place between yourself and any professionals offering you support and guidance to discuss your future plans and create your Pathway Plan. You will be supported by your carers and Social Worker who will help to teach you the skills to live on your own, if that’s what you want.
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