Safeguarding People Team (SPT)
The Safeguarding People Team (SPT)
The Safeguarding People Team (SPT) provide advice and support to other organisations that the Local Authority works with for both Adults and Children & Young People who may have suffered or are at risk of harm. The Independent Safeguarding & Reviewing Officers (ISRO) within the team are responsible for chairing all Child Protection and Looked After Children’s reviews. The role of an ISRO is to make sure that the young person’s care plan is right for them and that the young person understands their plan. The ISRO also makes sure that the young person is supported to take part in their meetings in a way that suits them. In between meetings, the ISRO will make sure that everyone is doing what they should be.
The Practice Development Manager based within the team works to support any new developments in safeguarding and the Information Governance Manager helps to keep your personal information safe.
The team is supported by Business Support Officers who organise meetings, type minutes and letters, answer phones and take care of any office administration.
The team are based in Lambpit Street and are managed by a Service Manager for Safeguarding who has the responsibility for developing plans across the service.
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