Independent Living Skills
Our pledge to our looked after children states that ‘we will support you to gain independent living skills, to prepare you as you get older to successfully leave care, become adults and live on your own’. Our Local Offer for care leavers also makes a promise of Independent Living Skills development.
If you want to find out more about this, please speak to your Social Worker or Personal Advisor. Agored accredited units are currently available on the following; cooking, budgeting, cleaning and using domestic appliances.
Care Leavers Offer
The process of leaving care and transitioning to adult life can be a challenging and confusing time. Wrexham’s Children’s Services offer support to Care leavers in the for of a Care Leavers Offer. The guide below has been created to tell you about all the support that we have in Wrexham for you as a care leaver.
Information on preparing for Adult Life
The information pack has been put together to give young people who are in or leaving local authority care information and advice to help them prepare for adult life.
Funding Partners