Unemployment can be a difficult time, this page should provide you with some information on how to look after yourself.
Looking after yourself
Being unemployed can really get you down. If you want to talk to someone, or get some advice about your situation, you can always talk to a counsellor or there are some online services you can contact such as Meic who you can talk to them online, by text (84001) or give them a call: 0808 80 23456.
Coping while you’re unemployed
You might be eligible for certain benefits to help you get back on your feet — Gov.UK have a list of them here. If you find these a bit overwhelming, or have some questions, you can always go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau (or look at their search results here).
We have a money section on the site that may provide you with some of the information you need.
Starting again
- Here’s an article that might help — 10 tips to get a job
- You can try contacting the Job Centre
- Careers Wales have some advice if you’re unemployed, but the rest of their website might be really helpful, too.
- The Prince’s Trust have some pointers to opportunities that might be interesting to you if you’re ready to look for work.
And there’s always our own Jobs & Careers Section, if you’re ready to look for work.
Whatever your situation and however long you’ve been unemployed, try to remain optimistic and hopeful that you will find employment. It might take time, you will need to be persistent, and the job you find at first might not be what you would like to do as a career, but trying to have a positive attitude towards finding work will really help you.
Local Organisations
Wrexham Communities for Work

If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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