Participation in Wrexham
‘Participation means it is my right to be involved in making decisions, planning and reviewing any action which might affect me. ‘Having a Voice, Having a Choice’
Participation is a process which ensures that all young people aged 0 – 25 years are involved in the decisions that affect them, the community and society in which they live. Participation is a vital part of empowering young people to become active and responsible citizens.
Engaging with democratic processes and a variety of citizenship issues, both locally and globally helps children and young people to develop the confidence and skills for learning, life and work. Participation is about more than taking part. It’s about listening, sharing experiences and learning from each other. It’s an on-going dialogue with children and young people that values their voice on matters that are important to them and hears and considers their views when decisions are made which affect them.
National Participation Standards
There are 7 National Participation Standards. Participation in Wrexham is undertaken in line with these standards. The standards are set out to help organisations to follow good practice of participation with children and young people in decision making. They help us to make sure children and young people have a voice on matters that affect them.
‘A Wrexham where children and young people have a voice on local decisions that impact on their lives!’ (Senedd Yr Ifanc)
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