In2change – Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Project
In2change is a free and confidential young person’s drug and alcohol project who work with young people aged 11 – 25 on a voluntary basis.
We work with young people around their drug and alcohol use and are focused around what you think would help you at the moment. We can meet you at INFO shop, at home, school/college or in the community – wherever you feel more comfortable. Some of the services we provide for you could include:
Information and advice on issues around drug and alcohol use
Increasing your knowledge of risks involved in drug and alcohol use
Support in reducing or stopping using drugs and alcohol.
Support in how drugs and alcohol are affecting your life.
In2change can also offer support around education, housing, relationships, employment or voluntary work, and other areas of your life. At in2change we can also offer diversionary activities which can help take your mind off current difficulties or be used as a motivation tool. Examples include mountain biking, free gym membership, horse riding, cinema trips and walking.
If you think that in2change can help you and want to arrange an appointment or you want to know something then please ring or email us on the details below. If you want to refer yourself to in2change or be referred by another project/agency then please download and complete the referral form below
Useful Wellbeing Resources for young people to access
As well as the referral forms there are also leaflets and posters that can be downloaded which will tell you more information about our project and can be displayed.
The contact numbers for our team are as follows:-
07800 999071
07557 930700
07876 657295.
or you can email:
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

If you would like more information on this topic or you have questions please call into the INFO Shop or contact us on 01978 295600 / Instant message. If you leave us a message we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Funding Partners